Part of the setup crew
This is what our normal tailgate spot looked like...
So THIS is where we tailgated on Saturday!
R doing his impression of JS
The Bs....enjoying some jambalaya grits
The three Js!
Toasting Anne....since she couldn't be there!
Just kicking back....enjoying the company
The traveling a few!
B and the daughter he always wanted!
JM with his boy! guys.....C and M got to come to tailgate this week!
P had some old fraternity brothers join him
Awww...P cuteness
THIS is what happens when you try and share a tender moment with your wife at tailgate.....sorry Ps!
The M family has made an art form out of photo bombing:
Exhibit A
Exhibit B
Exhibit C
These lovely ladies are sporting the newest BATT the cups!
The TVs are ALWAYS on football at the tailgate
Sister silliness
BATT cuteness
The Grahams brought another new couple to BATT...WELCOME!
Nick and his buddies
M loves her boys!
Proud Dads and their boys
J decided to join the pic fest!
At some point during the tailgate Paul took control of the camera. After spending half the morning deleting most of them......I give you,
BATT Tailgating....Through Paul's ( slightly inebriated) Eyes
Well.....HEY THERE JM!
This one is actually cute! :)
Complete surprise at being photographed?
It's not a tailgate...if Kelly is not on the mike
HMMMM....wonder why he took this pic.... I'm sensing a theme!
Poor R fell victim to the foolishness!
The footwear of choice yesterday..
Whatchu talking bout Willis?
Next stop.....GEORGIA!
Geaux Tigers