Fall had finally arrived in South Louisiana. Gone was the stifling heat, oppressive humidity, and overly sweaty BATT members! The stage was set for an epic showdown between SEC rivals. As always, the conversation came easy, the food was delicious, and the cocktails were cold and flowed freely. Gameday even awarded our beloved krewe an award for "Best Decor". What could possibly go wrong after such an amazing day? Then.....the game started. We're down but NOT OUT people! Love Purple.....LIVE GOLD.......win or lose! GEAUX TIGERS!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Gourmet's food is delicious!
Never.....EVER a normal picture with these two!
Some AR fans come down to enjoy our tailgate!
"There's nothing better than fresh tail in the fall!" JMP
It's not a tailgate without these two pictures from these crazies....take one....
take two
We make nonstop cooking look GOOD
J's cousin came down to watch his Hogs play and enjoy some BATT fun
It's time to fry the turkey.......YUM
J wanted to be the new Marsh and photobomb every pic....but she got distracted by cooking!
These two are awfully cute.......even if they're wearing horrible colors
Just some of our many handsome BATT men!
This could only happen at tailgate!
Cheers to SEC rivalry fun!
N and J enjoying the beautiful tailgate weather
Here are some more of the handsome BATT men
Posing with the enemy!
Never too busy for some dancing
Absolutely no clue what is happening in this awesome picture! With JM....there is NO telling!
All that cooking can make you hungry!
Even the young and lovely cannot resist the allure of our tailgate
Just chilling
We make tailgating look easy
The Leonard Fournette masks were a big hit!
Sneaking the mask in while posing with the enemy
So proud of our new banner!
It just never got old....
P cuteness
Loving us some P!
BG....looking stylish as always
Another great thing about BATT? Bringing friends!
more friends
Honey and her best guys!
when you're outfit is on point
LP repping LF
When the Tall Antkiller harasses you so much you'd rather pose for the damn pic than be subjected to anymore of it!
M and friends
These two.....proving blondes have more fun for years!
P girl cuteness
Big Daddy getting in on the love
A and company.....more than likely....up to no good!
love purple
NEVER normal......
R and the guys
J and two very lovely BATT blondes
This one (the one in the middle) can't stand to be left out of pictures
J and J.....catching P up on all the happenings at tailgate so far
Even the Bs were bracing
P saw some college friends stop by for a visit
When you still think you're in a fraternity.....but you're in your 40's....
Are you sensing a recurring theme?
The traditional sunglass swap......Elton John and Blade Runner
BATT.....we make tailgating look GOOD!
Even the Dr. Pepper man was bracing!