Sunday, October 22, 2006

At Least it Started Out Great!!

Jane and Chuck share a cocktail and a few thoughts about LSU.
Jill, Matt, and Haley love the BATT tailgate!
John, to self, "Is this what my victims feel like? Smile and nod, just smile and nod!"
Lucky for Cooper, he's got his D-Dad to show him the ropes of BATT tailgating.
Joe is REALLY excited about tailgating!
Who love Reid? JoeMike LOVES Reid!!!!!!!!!!! What else could you want on your birthday?
Pat and the Birthday Boy came ready to party!
The Krewe of BATT going "Kid-Friendly" ? SAY IT AINT SO!
But, how cute are these future BATTers?!
Brent, that purse does NOT match your outfit! ( Is there something we need to know?)
Tall Ant Killer is so talented he can kill ants without spilling a drop of beer!
While waiting for the jello shots to arrive, Malcolm kills some time frying some delicious fish and crabs.
Don't you wish this was your husband?
"The Guys" gather around the TVs to watch the game.
Our tailgate is TOP NOTCH!
Not even the fear of impending rain could keep our die hard BATTers from their beloved tailgate! The call of delicious food, ice-cold cocktails, good friends, washer-board, and pumping music were simply too difficult to resist. One of our BATTers reached a milestone on Saturday. Our own Reid P. hit the big 55. Where else would he want to spend his birthday? It wasn't until after much of the partying was through, that Mother Nature unleashed the washout. Never fear, the tents, stuffed tigers, chairs, and all other necessary equipment have been dryed. ( Thanks to our wonderful BATT members!) We are ready and waiting for November 4th. Roll Tide, Roll......AROUND THE BOWL AND DOWN THE HOLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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