Fellow BATTers, if you felt a rumble on Saturday, it was more than just the Tigers stomping the Mississippi State Bulldogs. That rumble was actually a rift in the space time continuum!What caused this unrest you might ask? Two inconceivable events occurred SIMULTANEOUSLY! Jim T, famous LSU enthusiast extraordinaire, actually left a game early. This, in and of itself, is scandalous! Jan M, infamous fair weather LSU fan, actually came to an LSU game. This, in and of itself, is shocking. The most unbelievable part of this amazing story is Jan M, aforementioned fair weather fan, actually stayed longer at the game than our own die-hard Jim T. As impossible as it may sound, there is photographic evidence of the day that all BATTers swore would never happen. The day Jim T would not be in the stadium and Jan M would! Brace yourself, the world just may be coming to an end!!!!!!!!!!
( If you look closely at the picture, you can see Jan pointing to the scoreboard to prove it is, indeed the third quarter.)
Modern digital photography is a wonderful thing. It really looks like Jan is actually in Tiger Stadium!
Ask Jan where she would have rather been!!!
Not only did Jan outlast JT, Joe Mike left the game as well. What a moment in history, JT and JoeMike, (the football guru's of modern history), not present at a LSU football game and Jan Mac,still present!!!
I am still in shock that this event ocurred!!!
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