Sunday, November 02, 2008

Tigers Smash the Greenie Weenies!

Another set of Millers were out in full force to support the Tigers!

Jeremy and some lovely ladies!

What is it with Joel and Jane? Hmmmmm! :)

JoeMike showing some love for his oldest daughter!

Cute kiddos!

Brent hugs on the next best thing to his lovely bride!

Lovely ladies looking for some fun

Taking pictures never gets old for these candid cuties!

Two Miller men show their Tiger pride

Krewe of BATTers are some kind of good looking!

There is absolutely NO telling what is going on here

Good friends.......good times

Father/son bonding

Three cheers for BP....he remembered the jello shots!

Tall Antkiller and his bride welcomed family from NOLA
LAST BUT NOT LEAST.....there are few words that could adequately prepare you for the following pictures.......suffice to say....SOMEONE was wanting to carry Halloween over just ONE more day!
I give you...........Nick.......sumo guy!
(What you can't tell is......SG is dancing to "It's Getting Hot in Herre!)


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think we can all agree that my son would have some redeeming social qualities if he could only get over his shyness!!!