Saturday, September 23, 2006

Slippery When Wet!!!!!!!!!!

Jan is happier than she can express in words to be at the tailgate in the rain!
This photo is documented proof she was actually present!
Not even rain could keep Marsha from her Tiger debut!
Our neighboring tailgaters worked diligently to avoid a devastating flood.
Our gourmets may be wet, but they are still happy to be here!
The BATTers all lent one hand to keep the tent in tact. The other hand was firmly attached to their cocktails.

John took on a little water in his attempt to save the tent.

Mother Nature did all she could to soak the BATTers fun on Saturday. However, the tiger spirit of our devoted krewe would not be squashed! Even Marsha braved the elements to join us for some fun. The BATTers thought they were protected from the rain by their trusty tents, however strong winds made keeping the tents staked difficult at times. Needless to say, if the wind was strong enough to uproot a tree on Nicholson Drive, our tents were no match! However, the Krewe of BATT was not to be denied their tailgate fun! Drastic steps were taken to ensure the safety of all alcohol, and no one really cared about dry napkins anyway! It takes a lot more than a little rain to dampen our tiger spirit!


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